Application channels and application conditions for permanent residence qualification

01 The staff and their spouses and childrenApplication conditions: 1. Be deputy general manager, dep

01 The staff and their spouses and children

Application conditions: 1. Be deputy general manager, deputy factory director or above, or be associate professor or associate researcher or above, enjoy the same treatment for at least four years, and stay in China for no less than three years within four years;

2. Aliens applying for permanent residence in China shall abide by Chinese laws, be in good health and have no criminal record;

3. Has been working for over four consecutive years;

4. Stay in China for no less than three years within four years, and have a good tax record;

5. Foreign spouses of the above-mentioned persons, and unmarried foreign children under the age of 18.

The holding unit shall meet one of the following conditions:

1. Departments under The State Council or institutions under the peoples governments at the provincial level;

2. Key institutions of higher learning ("Project 211" schools and the first batch of admitted universities);

3. Enterprises and institutions carrying out key state engineering projects or major scientific research projects;

4. High and new technology enterprises, encouraged foreign-invested enterprises, foreign-invested advanced technology enterprises or foreign-invested products export enterprises.


02 family reunion and take refuge

Application conditions for couple reunion:

All the following conditions must be met simultaneously (the number of years referred to in these conditions means the consecutive number of years at the date prior to application):

1. Aliens applying for permanent residence in China shall abide by Chinese laws, be in good health and have no criminal record;

2. The applicants spouse is a Chinese citizen or a foreign country for permanent residence as a foreigner

3. Marriage lasts for at least five years;

4. After marriage, he have lived in China for at least five consecutive years and stayed in China for no less than nine months each year;

5. Have a stable living security and shelter.


Parent-child reunion application requirements: All of the following conditions must be met simultaneously:

1. Under 18 years old and unmarried;

2. Both or one of the parents are Chinese citizens and have permanent residence in Guangzhou, or both or one of the parents are foreigners with permanent residence qualification in China;

3. Having foreign nationality in accordance with Chinas nationality Law.


Application conditions for the refuge of relatives:

All the following conditions must be met simultaneously (the number of years referred to in these conditions means the consecutive number of years at the date prior to application):

1. Foreigners applying for permanent residence in China shall abide by Chinese laws, be in good health and have no criminal record;

2. Foreigners at the age of 60;

3. No immediate family members outside China, and take refuge with the immediate family members in China;

4. Having resided in China for at least five consecutive years and staying in China for no less than nine months each year;

5. Have a stable living security and shelter.


03 Investment personnel and their spouses and children

Application requirements: foreigners and their spouses with direct investment in China, stable investment for three consecutive years and good tax payment record, and unmarried children under the age of 18. Under this condition, the registered capital actually paid by foreigners in China shall meet one of the following conditions:

1. The total investment in encouraged industries in the Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industries promulgated by the state is more than $500,000 US dollars;

2. Invest more than US $500,000 in western China and key counties of national poverty alleviation and development work;

3. Total investment of more than US $1 million in central China;

4. Total investment of more than us $2 million in China.


04 Special personnel and their spouses and children

application requirement:

1. Foreigners and their spouses, and unmarried children, under the age of 18.

2. Foreigners who have been recommended by the competent departments, commissions, offices or municipal peoples governments under the Peoples government of the State Council and have made significant or outstanding contributions to the national economic development and social progress or are of great value to the state;

3. High-level foreign talents recommended by the national administrative department of key development regions, foreigners with major and outstanding contributions and special needs of the state;

In addition, in order to attract more excellent foreign talents, various provinces and cities have also pushed out a lot of local preferential policies. For example, the Guangdong Free Trade Zone has introduced the following local policies:

Foreign members of innovation and entrepreneurship teams and enterprises in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will recruit foreign technical talents

Application requirements: According to the evaluation criteria for foreign talents in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, foreign members of Guangzhou innovation and entrepreneurship teams with 70 points and foreign technical talents selected by enterprises can apply for permanent residence in China.

Foreign investors in the Guangdong Free Trade Zone

application requirement:

1. Direct investment in Guangdong Free Trade Zone for three consecutive years as a natural person or as the controlling shareholder as a natural person;

2. Foreigners with a stable situation, a total investment amount of us $1 million (a total investment of US $500,000 in the Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industries issued by the state) and a good tax record.


Foreign Chinese in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, their spouses and minor children

Application requirements:

1. Foreign Chinese with a doctoral degree or above

Application requirements: Foreign Chinese with doctoral degree or above and working in Guangdong Free Trade Zone with job residence permit;

2. Foreign Chinese who have worked in Guangdong Free Trade Zone for at least 4 years

Application requirements: Foreign Chinese who have lived in China for 4 years and have lived for no less than 6 months each year can apply for permanent residence in China.


Foreign doctors and their spouses and minor children

Application requirements: 1. Foreign Chinese with doctoral degree or above: Foreign Chinese with doctoral degree or above and working in China with job residence permit;

2. Foreigners with doctoral degree or above (workers in specific areas)

Application requirements: foreigners who hold a work permit + work residence permit working in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.