7 Things You Need to Know after Getting a Chinese PR

1, Check if all the information on the permanent residence ID card is correct. If there is any error

1, Check if all the information on the permanent residence ID card is correct. If there is any error in the content displayed on the permanent residence ID card, it is necessary to promptly contact the Exit Entry Administration for correction.


2, Timely update personal information. After obtaining a permanent residence ID card, if the personal information of a foreigner (such as name, address, passport number, etc.) changes, it is necessary to update the relevant department in a timely manner.


3, Pay attention to storage and avoid any inconvenience caused by lost documents.

The Chinese Permanent Residence Identity Card is a legal identification document for foreign nationals who have obtained permanent residency status in China and can be used independently. Foreign nationals who have obtained permanent residency in China are required to use both their Chinese permanent residency identity card and passport when entering and exiting the country, although they do not require a visa and are not limited to the number of times.

Foreigners who have obtained permanent residency in China do not need to confirm in advance whether the hotel can receive them, and can also use their Chinese permanent residence ID card to stay in the hotel and cooperate with the accommodation procedures. But for those who reside or stay in other accommodations outside the hotel, they still need to apply for temporary accommodation registration with the local Public Security Bureau within 24 hours after check-in. Those who fail to apply for accommodation registration with the public security Bureau or stay with foreign nationals without valid documents, even if they obtain permanent residency in China, will still be punished with a warning or fine in accordance with the law.


4, Maintain permanent residence ID card

Foreigners who have obtained permanent residence ID card shall have a cumulative residence time in China of no less than 3 months per year. If it is necessary to meet the requirement of 3 months per year, they shall obtain approval from the public security department or bureau of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the central government where they have long-term residency, and shall have a cumulative residence time in China of no less than 1 year within 5 years. In general, permanent residence ID card holders should follow the principle of having resided in China for a cumulative period of no less than 3 months each year.

If a person has resided in China for less than three months or less than one year within five years without approval, the Ministry of Public Security may cancel their permanent residency qualification in China.


5, Replace permanent residence ID card

The validity period of the permanent residence ID card is ten years (five years for minors), and a replacement must be processed within one month before the expiration of the validity period. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the validity period of the permanent residence ID card and replace it in a timely manner. If the cards are damaged or lost, it is necessary to apply for a replacement or replacement in a timely manner.


6, Pay attention to policy changes

China's immigration policy may be adjusted according to the country's development needs. Foreigners who have obtained green cards need to pay attention to policy changes and stay up-to-date with the latest policy developments in order to make corresponding adjustments and preparations.


7, Understand and comply with Chinese laws and regulations

As permanent residents of China, foreign nationals holding permanent residence ID cards first need to understand and comply with Chinese laws and regulations. This includes but is not limited to criminal law, civil law, traffic regulations, etc. Any illegal behavior will be subject to legal sanctions and may affect an individual's permanent residence ID card status.

Cancellation of Foreigner's Permanent Residence Qualification in China: If a foreigner with permanent residence qualification in China falls under any of the following circumstances, the Ministry of Public Security may cancel their permanent residence qualification in China and confiscate their Foreigner's Permanent Residence Permit or declare it invalid: 1. It may pose a threat to national security and interests; 2. Those sentenced by the people's court to be expelled from the country; 3. Those who fraudulently obtain permanent residency in China by providing false materials or other illegal means.