What special policies can A-class high-end talents enjoy when working in China?

What preferential policies can A-class high-end talents enjoy?Foreign high-end talents are not limit

What preferential policies can A-class high-end talents enjoy?

Foreign high-end talents are not limited by age, education, and work experience.

For direct acceptance through online pre examination by the accepting institution, an electronic receipt will be issued for acceptance. Applicants do not need to provide paper materials for verification before entering the country;

Foreign high-end talents selected for domestic talent programs can be processed online throughout the entire process without the need to submit paper materials for verification;

Compliant with the Classification Standards for Foreigners Working in China for Foreign High end Talents (Class A)

1Selected for domestic talent programs;

2For those who meet internationally recognized professional achievement recognition standards, the work qualification certificate adopts a commitment system;

3Those who meet internationally recognized professional achievement recognition standards;

4Foreign talents who meet the demand for market-oriented and encouraging positions;

5For innovative and entrepreneurial talents, the highest degree certificate can be obtained through a commitment system;

The certificate of no criminal record adopts a commitment system;

Those who hold other visas, valid residence permits, or have entered China without a visa can apply for a foreign work permit within the country;

Foreigners can be granted a work permit to China for a maximum of 5 years.


How to apply for A-class talents

Chinese economic and social development urgently needs foreign high-end talents such as scientists, leading scientific and technological talents, international entrepreneurs, and specialized special talents. Those who meet the national key and catalog requirements for introducing foreign talents and one of the following conditions are classified as Class A, and "green channel" and "vacancy acceptance" services are implemented.

1Selected for domestic talent introduction plan:

Selected candidates for the talent introduction plan recognized by the talent management department at or above the deputy provincial level, approved or recorded by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (see Achievement Standards Explanation 1).

2Those who meet internationally recognized professional achievement recognition standards:

1. Nobel laureates (in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, economics).

2. Winners of the following awards: National Medal of Science and National Medal of Technology Innovation in the United States; The French National Research Center Research Medal; The Royal Gold Medal of the United Kingdom; Copley Medal; Turing Award; Fields Award; Wolf Prize in Mathematics; Abel Prize; Lasker Prize; Crawford Award; Japan International Award; Kyoto Prize; The Shaw Prize; Famous Architecture Award (see Achievement Standards Explanation 2); Famous Industrial Design Award.

3. Academicians of scientific and engineering academies from various countries.

4. Served as a member, member, or council member of internationally renowned academic institutions such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) (see Achievement Standards Note 4) and international scientific and educational organizations.

5. Directors and senior researchers of national research institutes or laboratories in various countries.

6. Leaders, chief scientists, or key members of science and technology projects in various countries.

7. Served as the chief and deputy editor in chief and senior member of international high-level scientific and technological journals (JCR regions 1 and 2).

8. Publish 3 papers as the first author or corresponding author (including equivalent contributors) in international high-level scientific and technological journals (JCR Zones 1 and 2 of the Journal Citation Report) in their respective fields of expertise.

9. Those who have held middle-level or above management positions in high-level universities abroad or have been appointed as professors or associate professors.

10. Previously held senior management positions and key members of technical research and development at the headquarters of Fortune Global 500 companies (see Achievement Standards Explanation 5), as well as management positions above deputy general manager or regional headquarters, and technical research and development leaders.

11. Previously held senior management positions in internationally renowned financial institutions (see Achievement Standards Note 6) and internationally renowned accounting firms (see Achievement Standards Note 7).

12. The President, Vice President, and Professors and Associate Professors of world-renowned music, art, and art colleges (see Achievement Standards Statement 8).

13. Serve as the chief conductor and vocalist of a world-renowned orchestra (see Achievement Standards Note 9).

14. Artists who have personally performed in world-renowned opera houses (see Achievement Standards Note 10) or music halls (see Achievement Standards Note 11).

15. Has won the highest level individual award in the Famous Literature Award (see Achievement Standards Explanation 12), Famous Film, Television, Drama Award (see Achievement Standards Explanation 13), Famous Music Award (see Achievement Standards Explanation 14), Famous Advertising Award (see Achievement Standards Explanation 15), and International Famous Art Competition (see Achievement Standards Explanation 16) Class I Competition Award, First Prize or Second Class Competition Award, and has served as a judge for the above awards and competitions.

16. Famous athletes from the Olympic Games or the World Cup, World Championships, and other important international events that have been included in the Olympic Games in the past two years (see Achievement Standards Explanation 17) who have entered the top eight and the Asian Cup or Asian Championships that have been included in the Asian Games in the past two years, as well as the head coaches or core members of the coaching staff responsible for training.

17. Previously held ministerial level or above leadership positions in foreign government agencies, or held senior leadership positions in renowned international organizations or non-governmental organizations (see Achievement Standards Note 18).

18. Winners of world and national skill competitions or professional talents engaged in their competition project training; High skilled talents who hold the highest level of international vocational skills qualification certificate or China's senior technician vocational skills qualification certificate.

3Foreign talents who meet the demand for market-oriented and encouraged positions:

1. Personnel with senior management or technical positions employed by central affiliated enterprises and secondary subsidiaries, global or regional headquarters of Fortune 500 companies, national high-tech enterprises (recognized by science and technology departments at or above the provincial level), and large enterprises (see achievement standard explanation 19).

2. Personnel with senior management or technical positions working in nationally recognized enterprise engineering research centers (recognized by the development and reform department), engineering laboratories (recognized by the development and reform department), engineering technology research centers (recognized by the science and technology department), enterprise technology centers (recognized by the information technology department), and local technology innovation service platforms (recognized by the science and technology department).

3. Chairman, legal representative, general manager, or chief technical expert hired by domestic and foreign medium-sized enterprises (see achievement standard explanation 19) with senior management or technical positions, or small foreign-invested enterprises that meet the encouraged industries in the Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industries and the Catalogue of Foreign Investment Advantage Industries in the Central and Western Regions.

4. Personnel appointed to senior management positions or associate professors, associate researchers, and senior lecturers, senior internship supervisors, and other professional and technical positions at the deputy senior level in higher education institutions and research institutions.

5. Personnel appointed by domestic tertiary comprehensive hospitals, specialized hospitals at or above the provincial level, or foreign-funded hospitals to hold senior management positions or professional and technical positions at or above the deputy senior level.

6. The chief conductor, artistic director, and principal performer employed by top domestic orchestras and other art groups (see Achievement Standards Explanation 20).

7. Personnel with senior management or technical positions such as chief editor, deputy chief editor, chief broadcaster, senior host, planning supervisor, layout design supervisor, etc. appointed by central and local mainstream media (see achievement standard explanation 21).

8. Main athletes, head coaches, or core members of coaching teams hired by national or provincial sports teams or clubs.

9. Foreign talents with an average wage income not less than 6 times the social average wage income of the previous year in the local area.

4Innovative and entrepreneurial talents:

1. Founders of enterprises who have independent intellectual property rights or proprietary technologies, such as major technological inventions and patents, and have a stable investment situation for three consecutive years, with a cumulative actual investment of no less than 500000 US dollars and personal shares of no less than 30%.

2. The chairman, legal representative, general manager, or chief technical expert of an enterprise who invests in major technological inventions, patents, and other independent intellectual property rights or proprietary technologies, and has an annual sales revenue of more than RMB 10 million or an annual tax payment of more than RMB 1 million for three consecutive years.

3. Personnel with senior management or technical positions hired by units included in the list of innovative enterprises or the list of scientific and technological professions formulated by relevant provincial departments.

5Excellent young talents:

Young talents under the age of 40 who engage in postdoctoral research at high-level universities abroad or domestic universities in China.

6Points scored above 85: