What new policy support do foreign talents and foreign investors need to start businesses and develop in China due to the severe international situation?

With the changing international situation, many countries are currently in turmoil, and local busine

With the changing international situation, many countries are currently in turmoil, and local business cooperation and investment are not optimistic. This has also prompted many foreign talents and investors to seek more suitable countries for business behavior. And they all turned their attention to China, hoping to obtain more secure business operations and development in China.

The State Council recently issued the "Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment", proposing 24 policy measures in 6 aspects, requiring better coordination of domestic and international situations, creating a market-oriented, rule of law, and internationalized first-class business environment, fully leveraging China's advantages in the super large scale market, and attracting and utilizing foreign investment more vigorously and effectively

For the convenience policy of foreign talents coming to China for employment, a long time ago, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Science and Technology (Shanghai Foreign Experts Bureau) issued a notice on supporting foreign talents and team members to apply for work permits during the entrepreneurial period. Supporting foreign talents and team members to apply for work permits for foreigners coming to China during the entrepreneurial period is a new policy with Shanghai characteristics. Let's take a look at how to carry out practical operations together.


Guidelines for Handling Work Permits during the Entrepreneurial Period


Applicable objects


ⅠBasic conditions of the park or incubation carrier

1. A park or incubation carrier established in accordance with the law, registered and recommended by the competent department at or above the district level. Having actual business premises, paying taxes in accordance with the law, paying social insurance, and no record of serious illegal or dishonest behavior.

2. A park refers to a park that has been recognized by the competent authorities at all levels in this city and has signed a park agreement or lease contract with entrepreneurial teams or entrepreneurs. The park can include various types of parks such as entrepreneurship, technology, industry, etc.

3. Incubation carriers refer to innovative incubators registered and tax managed in various districts, and have signed incubation agreements and housing rental contracts with entrepreneurial teams or entrepreneurs. Incubation carriers can include national record maker spaces, overseas talent offshore innovation and entrepreneurship base cooperation spaces, national level technology enterprise incubators, contracted incubators for innovation parks, as well as innovative incubators and functional platforms with international resources.

ⅡBasic requirements for applicants

1. Foreigners and entrepreneurial team members who have settled in the park or incubation carrier, are still in the entrepreneurial period and have not yet established a company (generally not exceeding 5 people).

2. They should be at least 18 years old, in good health, with no criminal record, and possess the necessary professional skills or corresponding knowledge level to engage in their work.

3. The work I am engaged in meets the needs of China's economic and social development, and is in urgent need of professional personnel in the country.

4. If there are other provisions in laws and regulations regarding foreigners coming to work in China, those provisions shall prevail.



Provide material standards


1. All original paper materials and Chinese translations must be uploaded electronically to the Foreigner's Work Management Service System in China.

2. Non Chinese proof materials must provide a Chinese translation and be stamped with the official seal of the park or incubation carrier (excluding passports or international travel documents).



Required materials


1Parks or incubation carriers

1. Business license or other legal registration proof materials.

2. Documents and recommended materials recognized by the competent department at or above the district level.

3. Proof of venue documents (property ownership certificate, lease agreement, etc.)

4. After the employer submits the unit information online, uploads all original materials, and submits them, there is no need to wait for the system to reply. Please bring the original unit registration information form and copies of all employer materials (stamped with the official seal) to the acceptance window for real name registration. After the review is approved, the acceptance department will not notify you separately.

2Application for Foreigner Work Permit Notice before Entry

1. Application Form for Foreigner's Work Permit in China.

2. Proof of work experience.

3. The highest degree certificate and certification materials.

4. Proof of no criminal record and certification materials.

5. Medical examination certificate.

6. The entry agreement or venue lease contract signed between the applicant and the park or incubation carrier.

7. Applicant's passport or international travel document.

8. The applicant has taken a front photo without a hat within 6 months.

9. Relevant proof materials for accompanying family members.

10. Other materials.

Application for Foreigner Work Permit after Entry

1. Applicant's medical examination certificate.

2. The applicant has a valid visa or residence permit.

3. Other materials.

3Domestic application for Foreigner Work Permit

1. Application Form for Foreigner's Work Permit in China.

2. Proof of work experience.

3. The highest degree certificate and certification materials.

4. Proof of no criminal record and certification materials.

5. Medical examination certificate.

6. The entry agreement or venue lease contract signed between the applicant and the park or incubation carrier.

7. Applicant's passport or international travel document.

8. The applicant has a valid visa or residence permit.

9. The applicant has taken a front photo without a hat within 6 months.

4Extension of Foreigner Work Permit

1. Application form for extension of work permit for foreigners coming to China.

2. The entry agreement or venue lease contract signed between the applicant and the park or incubation carrier.

3. The applicant has a valid residence permit.

4. Other materials: Commitment letter for online processing of work permits for foreigners coming to China (excluding Class A), and supplementary materials required by the permit acceptance or decision-making agency as needed.

5Cancellation of Foreigner Work Permit

1. Application Form for Foreigner's Work Permit Cancellation in China.

2. Proof materials related to the termination of the entry agreement or contract with the park or incubation carrier, or other reasons for cancellation: The termination of the entry agreement or contract requires signatures from both parties.

3. Other materials.



Special precautions


1. If the accepting or deciding institution believes that the meaning of the Chinese translation is seriously inconsistent with the original, it may request the park or incubation carrier to provide it again.

2. The maximum validity period of the Foreigner Work Permit for foreign entrepreneurial talents and team members is 6 months, and it cannot exceed the validity period of the signed incubation agreement, housing lease contract (non temporary office needs to be specified in the housing lease contract), applicant's passport or other international travel documents, etc. Before the expiration of the permit, the park or incubation carrier should conduct a entrepreneurship assessment and apply for extension or cancellation as needed.

3. When applying for the Foreigner's Work Permit Notice before entry, the entire process is processed online. When applying for the Foreigner's Work Permit after entry, all original uploaded materials must be submitted to the acceptance window for verification.

4. The park or incubation carrier shall conduct a entrepreneurship assessment 30 days before the expiration of the validity period of the Foreigner's Work Permit in China, and apply for extension or cancellation as needed.



Approval deadline


(1) Pre review deadline:

5 working days (subject to submission of complete and compliant materials)

2Review deadline:

1. Application for Foreigner Work Permit Notice:

Foreign high-end talents (Class A): 5 working days (subject to online acceptance materials)

Foreign professional talents (Class B): 8 working days (subject to online acceptance materials)


2. Applying for a Foreigner Work Permit:

Foreign high-end talents (Class A): 5 working days (in accordance with the classification standards for foreign work in China (trial) Foreign high-end talents (Class A) (1) For those selected for the domestic talent introduction plan, the online acceptance materials shall prevail; For those who meet the standards of other foreign high-end talents, the acceptance window shall verify the original written materials and confirm that they are correct

Foreign professional talents (Class B): 10 working days (subject to verification of the original written materials at the acceptance window and confirmation of accuracy)

3. Extension of Foreigner Work Permit: 3 working days (subject to online acceptance materials)

4. Cancellation of Foreigner Work Permit: 3 working days (subject to online acceptance materials)