Can foreign nationals apply for a work visa directly if they want to work in China after entering without a visa?

On November 24th, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mao Ning, announced that in orde

On November 24th, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mao Ning, announced that in order to facilitate high-quality development and high-level opening up of personnel exchanges between China and foreign countries, China has decided to pilot the expansion of the scope of unilateral visa free countries and implement a unilateral visa free policy for ordinary passport holders from six countries: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Malaysia. During the period from December 1, 2023 to November 30, 2024, individuals holding ordinary passports from the aforementioned countries who come to China for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, and transit for no more than 15 days are eligible for visa free entry.

Can I apply for a work visa directly in China after finding a suitable job position in the future?

It is understood that if foreign nationals apply for a visa to stay in China through normal means and the visa is valid, they can apply for a work visa directly in China. However, if they enter China without a visa or if the visa has expired, they must reapply for Z Visa entry.


What should foreigners pay attention to when working in China?

Foreigners working in China need to apply for a foreigner's work permit+work residence permit.


Which foreigners meet the requirements for obtaining a Foreigner Work Permit?

Foreign high-end talents (Class A)

Chinese economic and social development urgently needs foreign high-end talents such as scientists, leading scientific and technological talents, international entrepreneurs, and specialized special talents. Those who meet the national key and catalog requirements for introducing foreign talents and one of the following conditions are classified as Class A, and "green channel" and "vacancy acceptance" services are implemented. 1Selected for domestic talent introduction plan

2Meet internationally recognized professional achievement recognition standards

3Foreign talents who meet the demand for market-oriented and encouraging positions

4Innovative and entrepreneurial talents

5Excellent young talents

6Points scored above 85


Foreign Professional Talents (Class B)

1Foreign professionals with a bachelor's degree or above and 2 years or more of relevant work experience. Those who meet one of the following provisions: 1. Management personnel or professional technical personnel engaged in scientific research, teaching, management, and other work in special fields such as education, scientific research, news, publishing, culture, art, health, sports, etc.

2. For personnel who implement agreements between Chinese and foreign governments, international organizations, and Sino foreign economic and trade and engineering technology contracts, the age requirements for personnel dispatched by internationally renowned academic institutions and scientific and educational international organizations shall be correspondingly relaxed according to the terms of the intergovernmental exchange and cooperation agreement.

3. Hiring personnel from international organizations and representatives from overseas expert organizations stationed in China.

4. Middle level and above employees dispatched by multinational corporations, as well as the chief representative and representative of foreign enterprises stationed in China.

5. Foreign management personnel or professional technical personnel employed by various enterprises, institutions, social organizations, etc.

2Holding an international general vocational skills qualification certificate or urgently needed skilled talents.

3Foreign language teaching personnel.

4Foreign talents with an average wage income not less than four times the social average wage income of the previous year in the local area.

5Specialized personnel and project implementation personnel who comply with relevant national department regulations.

6Professional talents with a score of 60 points or above.


Other foreign personnel (Class C)

Other foreign personnel who meet the needs of the domestic labor market and comply with national policy regulations are classified as Class C, mainly including:

1Foreign personnel who comply with the current regulations on foreign work management in China;

2Foreign personnel engaged in temporary or short-term (not exceeding 90 days) work;

3The personnel implementing quota system management include foreign youth who come to China for internships according to intergovernmental agreements, foreign students who meet the prescribed conditions, foreign graduates from overseas universities, and foreigners working in special fields such as ocean fishing.


The on-boarding process for foreign employees

1. Entering China with a valid visa

2. Apply for the "Temporary Residence Registration Form" in the city where you are located (according to regulations, you need to go to the nearest police station within 24 hours of entering China to apply for the "Temporary Residence Registration")

3. Go to the designated hospital of the Exit Entry Quarantine Bureau to handle the foreign employment medical examination

4. Go to the local foreign trade bureau to apply for a foreigner's work permit

5. Holding a foreigner's work permit and applying for a long-term residence permit in the People's Republic of China at the Exit Entry Administration of the Public Security Bureau is generally necessary to obtain a valid work permit and residence permit for one year. Only then can foreigners legally work and pay taxes in China, otherwise it is considered illegal employment. The work permit and residence permit can be extended at the relevant department one month before their expiration in the following year.

Note: It is necessary to strictly follow the above procedures to avoid unclear procedures that may result in multiple applications being returned or unsuccessful processing.