Q&A Frequently Asked Questions about Job Transfer for Foreigners

Q:What is a "foreigner work permit" transfer?A:The Foreigner Work Permit is a legal document for for


What is a "foreigner work permit" transfer?


The Foreigner Work Permit is a legal document for foreigners to work in China.

For foreign nationals working in China, if they want to change employers, they need to handle the transfer procedures of their work permit.



Why do I need to apply for a "foreigner work permit" transfer?


When a foreigner changes jobs, they must also apply for the transfer process of a foreigner's work permit. If the work unit has changed but the work permit has not been updated accordingly, it will not meet the requirements for foreigners to work in China and will be considered illegal employment. Therefore, foreigners must ensure that their work permits are updated in a timely manner when changing jobs to comply with relevant regulations and requirements.



Why do I need to cancel my work permit?


Proof of termination of labor relationship

Enterprises are only deemed to have terminated their employment relationship with the employing unit after simultaneously obtaining work and residence permits for foreign nationals. If the work visa relationship is still in the original company, during this period, if foreign nationals violate the law or have personal accidents. There may be joint and several liability to the company.

Legal provisions

According to the law, foreign nationals must cancel their work visas after terminating their employment relationship with the company. If they fail to complete the cancellation procedures in accordance with the law, the unit and foreign nationals will be held legally responsible.

One of the materials for changing the work unit

After the cancellation of their residence permit, foreigners will be able to apply for a 30 day stay visa. During this period, if they find employment opportunities in other units, they can apply for the transfer of their work permit and the extension of their residence permit.

One of the materials required for handling the office

If foreign nationals plan to leave the country, they must also provide proof of cancellation of their work permit in China when handling retirement insurance refunds, one-time processing of medical insurance personal accounts, and other matters.



How long is the validity period of the 'Foreigner Work Permit'? Do I need to charge for changing my ID?


According to the criteria for determining foreign talents working in China, the validity period of work permits approved by local management departments varies, and generally, Class B talents are signed once a year. Renewal upon expiration. Visa expiration requires an extension, and the Entry Exit Administration will charge corresponding visa fees.



Who needs to apply for a transfer?


Foreigners who have obtained a foreign work permit and change their work unit need to apply for it;

Foreigners applying for employment transfer need to first cancel their existing work permit and also change their residence permit. According to the regulations on entry and exit management, the cancellation of work permits should be carried out within 10 days after resignation, although some cities may slightly relax. Therefore, the timing of employment transfer after resignation is very important, and it is important to promptly handle the cancellation procedures and obtain a new work permit and residence permit.



What information is required to handle the transfer of employment?


1The information required for foreigners to cancel their work permits is as follows:

Application Form for Foreigner's Work Permit Cancellation in China;

Proof materials related to the termination of employment relationship, contract termination, or other reasons for cancellation.

2After canceling the original work permit, a new work permit application shall be submitted within 30 days from the date of cancellation. The following matters should be noted when handling the transfer of employment:

The original work residence permit is within its validity period;

The new job position needs to be basically consistent with the original job position;

A resignation certificate from the original company is required.



How long does it take to process a transfer?


Meet the processing conditions and can obtain a new work permit within approximately 10-15 working days;

If further changes to the residence permit are required, an additional 5-7 working days will be required.



Is it necessary to re handle the procedures for entry and exit when assigned by the unit to work in the branch?


Required. During the employment period of foreigners in China, once the employment entity is changed, it is necessary to reapply for the change procedures of work permit and work type residence permit.



Cancellation process of work and residence permit


Work permit cancellation

Online pre examination by the Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs. After passing the pre examination, there is no need to make an appointment, and on-site acceptance and submission of documents are required in exchange for cancellation certificates. (Currently, most cities can submit for review online and download cancellation certificates without the need to collect them on-site)

Cancellation of Work Residence Permit

After obtaining the work permit cancellation certificate, go to the immigration department to handle the cancellation procedures, and the applicant must be present in person.