What are the standards for identifying foreign "high, precision, and top-notch" talents?

1、 Foreign high-end talents (Class A)The recognition standard for foreign high-end talents (Class A)

1、 Foreign high-end talents (Class A)

The recognition standard for foreign high-end talents (Class A) has been adjusted from the "Notice of the National Bureau of Foreign Experts Affairs, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Security on the Comprehensive Implementation of the Work Permit System for Foreigners in China" (Wai Zhuan Fa [2017] No. 40) to the "Guangzhou Foreign" High, Precision, and Top Talents Recognition Standard (Trial) " (Please refer to the attachment for details, where the blackened part is the adjustment content), eligible foreigners are determined as Class A.

For example,

Winners of provincial and ministerial level and above scientific and technological awards and patent awards.

Previously held middle-level or above management positions in high-level universities and research institutions both domestically and internationally, or employed as professors (researchers) or associate professors (associate researchers).

Previously held senior management positions at the International Maritime Organization.

Foreign talents with an average wage income not less than 6 times the average wage income of all urban unit employees in the region in the previous year.

Founder and partner of one of the top 100 domestic investment institutions.

Innovative and entrepreneurial talents, recommended by relevant departments.


2Foreign Professional Talents (Class B)

The recognition standards for foreign professional talents (Class B) are based on the "Notice on the Comprehensive Implementation of the Work Permit System for Foreigners in China" issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (Wai Zhuan Fa [2017] No. 40), which includes the "Classification Standards for Foreigners Working in China (Trial)" and the "List of Foreign" Urgent and Shortage "Talent Positions in Guangzhou (Trial)" (see attachment for details), Eligible foreigners are classified as Class B.

Foreign professional talents (Class B) must meet the directory and job requirements for foreign work guidance in China, and are urgently needed for the development of China's economic and social undertakings, such as:

Holding an international general vocational skills qualification certificate or urgently needed skilled talents.

Foreign language teaching personnel. In principle, foreign language teaching personnel should engage in the teaching of their native language, obtain a bachelor's degree or above from a university, and have at least 2 years of experience in language education. Among them, those who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in education, language, or teacher training, or obtained a teacher qualification certificate in their home country or a qualified international language teaching certificate can be exempted from the work experience requirement.

Foreign talents whose average wage income is not less than 4 times of the average social wage income of the region in the previous year. At the same time, foreign professionals who meet the requirements of foreign "urgently needed" talent positions in Guangzhou can also be identified as Category B, such as big data development engineers, auto drive system engineers, etc. The industries involved include new generation information technology, intelligent equipment and robots, rail transit, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection.


3Other foreign personnel (Class C)

The recognition criteria for other foreign personnel (Class C) remain unchanged.

Foreign personnel who comply with the current regulations on foreign work management in China.

Foreign personnel engaged in temporary or short-term (not exceeding 90 days) work.

Personnel implementing quota system management include foreign youth who come to China for internships according to intergovernmental agreements, foreign students who meet the required conditions, foreign graduates from overseas universities, and deep-sea fishing

Foreigners working in special fields, etc.