Notice on International Talent Recommendation Work

In order to further leverage the innovative role of enterprises, the Chinese government has issued a

In order to further leverage the innovative role of enterprises, the Chinese government has issued a work plan to support enterprises in introducing outstanding overseas talents to work in China. The relevant plan content is as follows.

1、Application conditions and scope

The plan includes innovative talent projects, entrepreneurial talent projects, and youth talent projects.

1Innovative Talent Project

The innovative talent project supports the introduction of overseas excellent professional and technical talents and senior management talents by enterprises. Applicants should generally obtain a doctoral degree and meet one of the following conditions:

1. Professional and technical talents who hold senior positions in foreign enterprises, as well as business management talents, or talents who have become the main technical and commercial partners of Chinese enterprises.

2. Experts and scholars who hold positions equivalent to associate professors or above in foreign universities and research institutions, possess high scientific research levels and strong technological innovation capabilities.

3. Skilled individuals who master key core technologies in the industry or can solve production process problems.

2Entrepreneurship Talent Project

The Entrepreneurial Talent Program supports entrepreneurs who come to China with advanced technology. Applicants should generally obtain a degree overseas and have been in China for no more than 6 years. They have established a company for at least 2 to 5 years, and their products have core technology and are in the pilot or industrialization stage. They are the main founder of the company and the largest shareholder or largest natural person shareholder. Simultaneously meeting one of the following conditions:

1. Possess internationally leading technological achievements or be able to fill domestic gaps, with great potential for product development.

2. Have experience in overseas entrepreneurship or have held senior management positions in foreign enterprises, with strong business management skills.

3. Independently innovative products with broad market prospects and obtaining investment from venture capital institutions.

3Youth Talent Project

The Youth Talent Project supports the introduction of overseas outstanding young talents by enterprises. Applicants should generally obtain a doctoral degree and be under the age of 40, engaged in fields such as natural science and engineering technology. They have formal positions in well-known overseas universities, research institutions, and enterprise research and development institutions, and have worked continuously for more than 36 months. For those who have obtained a doctoral degree overseas and have outstanding performance, the requirement for working years can be appropriately relaxed.

2Support guarantee

1The government provides a one-time living subsidy of 1 million yuan per person for selected talents in innovation and entrepreneurship projects, and 500000 yuan per person for selected talents in youth projects. The declared regional government will provide different rewards.

2The salary of the institution hired is 300000 to 1 million.

3Selected talents enjoy support policies related to the application for green channels, medical care, and convenient and secure housing for permanent resident permits in China.

3Application process

1The applicant shall fill out the application form and attachment materials.

The proof materials should include: (1) scanned copies of ID card or passport; (2) Scanned copies of education and degree certificates; (3) A scanned copy of the work contract or employment intention letter signed with the employer; (4) Proof of work experience; (5) Proof materials for hosting (participating) the project; (6) Proof materials of scientific research achievements; (7) Enterprise qualifications and related honors; (8) Exceptional explanation materials (application conditions submitted in an exceptional manner); (9) Other materials that need to be submitted.

2By recommending institutions to match institutions or enterprises, an intentional contract is reached.

3The recommending agency shall organize the complete materials and submit them to the competent department of the regional government.


Why does the Chinese government provide funding and policy support?

As the main body of technological innovation, technology enterprises play an important role in promoting national economic development and social progress. The Chinese government provides a large amount of funding and policy support for the R&D and talent cultivation of technology enterprises and research institutions every year.


How long will there be a result?

After obtaining the approval of the introduction plan, it will be publicly announced by the government, usually taking six months to a year, as it involves multiple factors such as matching suitable enterprises and institutions, and the early or late stages of batch declaration.


Is it possible to work remotely?

After being selected with government support, innovative talents and young talents need to enter the country for the first time if they receive government funding. At other times, according to the needs of enterprises or institutions, they can choose to work in mixed office, remote office, and other ways. We will coordinate based on the actual situation of talents.