CDA Chinese Doctors Association CDA Chinese Doctors Association

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The Chinese Doctors Association (CDA) is a non-profit social organization registered in Macau in 2016, with the Macau Identity Bureau's club number 7509. The association's branch offices cover all universities in Macau and most universities in Hong Kong. Its members are elites in the political, business, and academic fields who have obtained doctoral degrees, with doctoral entrepreneurs accounting for more than 50% of the total members.

The association leverages the advantages of academic communities in Hong Kong and Macao to address the limited dissemination platforms for Chinese papers with high scientific research value, and to strengthen the international dissemination and application of Chinese research achievements. Collaborated with domestic and foreign academic institutions such as the Shenzhen Association for the Promotion of Advanced Talent Development to jointly organize multiple academic comprehensive journals such as "International Talents", "New Learners", "Education Research and Modern Technology", and "Macau Journal of International Affairs".

The association takes advantage of the convenience of international exchange by establishing international technology transfer centers in Shanghai, Wuxi, and Zibo in mainland China, and establishing a series of international technology service companies in more than ten cities such as Beijing, Shenzhen, Foshan, Dongguan, and Jiangmen, connecting with the Chinese industry and overseas scholars, achieving the landing of international scientific and technological achievements in mainland China and empowering local industrial upgrading.

At the community level, promote the integrated development and mutual recognition of the Greater Bay Area. Six group standards for talent have been jointly formulated with domestic and foreign institutions such as the Shenzhen High Level Talent Development Promotion Association in mainland China. Among them, the ability standards for talent recruitment agents include special reports by media such as Xinhua. Actively promoting the two-way entrepreneurship and employment of young people from Hong Kong, Macao, and mainland China, and achieving more than 30 landing enterprises. Actively participate in the consultation with the SAR government in the Macao Excellent Talent Introduction Program and organize the promotion of Macao's introduction policies in the mainland.

The core members of the association are composed of public personages from Hong Kong and Macau communities.Honorary President Dr. Zhuang Peiyuan is one of the 40 leading overseas Chinese leaders in the 40 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China. As a leader of overseas Chinese in the United States, Zhuang Peiyuan has been influenced by his uncle's famous patriotic overseas Chinese leader Chuang Shih-ping since childhood. Premier Zhou Enlai commented on his uncle: "Chaoshan has contributed two economic talents to the Chinese revolution, one is Xu Dixin in theory, the other is Chuang Shih-ping in practice". Wu Nansheng, the former secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, said, "Chuang Shih-ping is my teacher when I run the special zone"; Ye Xiangzhen, the daughter of Marshal Ye Jianying, said, "(Chuang Shih-ping) is a great hero behind the scenes.". At the same time, the banker is also the family with the most donations. His family includes Nanyang Commercial Bank, Nantong Bank of Macao (the predecessor of Bank of China Macao Branch) and other 200 billion assets donated to the country free of charge.

Contact information:

Tel: 00853-63511616


Address: 5th Floor, Xiehua Industrial Building, Tidu Road, Macau (opposite Red Street Market)

Chinese Doctors Association


Chapter One

General Provisions


Article 1


The Chinese name of the association is "中华博士协会", and the English name is "Chinese Doctors Association". The English abbreviation is "CDA".


Article 2 


This association is a non-profit organization. The purpose is to:

(1) Guided by the "Talent Strengthening Strategy", with the development philosophy of "Unity, Leadership, Service, and Innovation", and the purpose of "Serving Talents, Supporting Entrepreneurship, Encouraging Innovation, and Catching up and Surpassing", we fully leverage the role of the Macau, SAR of China as a bridge and link between "Relying on the Motherland and Connecting the World", widely unite global Chinese doctoral students, coordinate resources to support talents, comprehensively coordinate and serve talents, and stimulate vitality to promote talent development.

(2) As an international talent service center, we provide high-quality research and development, innovation and entrepreneurship, and job recruitment services for overseas and returned Chinese doctoral communities.

(3) As a gathering center for innovation and entrepreneurship elements, it promotes technological innovation and transfer, enterprise investment, research and charity, and assists governments at all levels in talent recruitment, talent enclave construction, and overseas inspection and exchange work.

(4) As a new type of think tank center, we regularly hold various rich and colorful academic activities to provide professional reference and intellectual support for social and economic development, serve the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and strive to strengthen the unity of the Chinese people at home and abroad.

(5) Strengthening communication and solidarity with young people from mainland China, Hong Kong, SAR of China, Macau, SAR of China, and Taiwan, Province of China, as well as young overseas Chinese, developing connections and friendships with young people from all over the world, recruiting talents and talents, serving the construction of the Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative, it is an international talent service center.

(6) In order to consolidate and develop the social stability and unity of Macau, SAR of China, promote the economic development of Macau, SAR of China, promote the stability of "one country, two systems", and make contributions to the great cause of Chinese modernization with science, technology and intelligence.


Article 3 


The association is located in Room 510, 5th Floor, Xiehua Industrial Building, 123 Tidu Road, Macau, SAR of China.

Chapter two


Article 4


Anyone who agrees with the purpose of this association and agrees with its articles of association can apply to become a member of this association; After approval by the council of this association, one can become a member.


Article 5

Membership Rights and Obligations

(1) Members have the right to vote and be elected, and enjoy all activities and benefits organized by the association.

(2) Members have the obligation to abide by the constitution and resolutions, as well as pay membership fees.


Chapter 3

Organizational structure


Article 6


The organizational structure of this association includes a general meeting of members, a board of directors, and a supervisory board.



Article 7

Membership Meeting

 (1) The general meeting of members is the highest authority of the association, responsible for formulating or amending the constitution; Elect the chairman, vice chairman, secretary, and members of the board of directors and supervisory board of the general meeting of members; Determine the conference policy; Review and approve the work report of the board of directors.

(2) The general meeting of members shall have one chairman, one vice chairman, and one secretary. Each term is three years and can be re elected.

(3) The general meeting of members shall be held once a year, and shall be convened at least eight days in advance by registered mail or signed for. The notice shall indicate the date, time, location, and agenda of the meeting. In case of major or special matters, a special general meeting of members may be convened.

(4) The resolution to amend the articles of association of this association requires the approval of three-quarters of the attending members; The resolution to dissolve this association requires the approval of three-quarters of all members.


Article 8

The Council

(1) The Council is the administrative management body of this association, responsible for implementing resolutions of the general meeting of members and managing the legal entity.

(2) The board of directors shall consist of at least three or more odd numbered members, with one chairman and one vice chairman. Each term is three years and can be re elected.

(3) The board meeting is held every three months. The meeting can only make decisions when more than half of the council members are present, and the resolution must be approved by an absolute majority of the attending members to be valid.


Article 9

Supervisory Board

(1) The supervisory board is the supervisory body of this association, responsible for overseeing the daily operations and financial revenue and expenditure of the supervisory council.

(2) The supervisory board shall consist of at least three or more odd numbered members, with one chairman and one deputy chairman. Each term is three years and can be re elected.

(3) The supervisory meeting is held every three months. The meeting can only make decisions when more than half of the council members are present, and the resolution must be approved by an absolute majority of the attending members to be valid.


Chapter Four



Article 10


The funding of this association comes from membership fees or sponsorship from people from all walks of life. If there is insufficient or special need for funds, the board of directors may decide to raise them.

Copyright © CDA International talent and project introduction institutions