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Guizhou University

Guizhou University, founded in 1902, went through the periods of Guizhou University, provincial Guiz

Guizhou University, founded in 1902, went through the periods of Guizhou University, provincial Guizhou University, National Guizhou University, and National Guizhou University, and was named Guizhou University in October 1950. In November 1951, Chairman Mao Zedong wrote the name of "Guizhou University" in his own handwriting. In August 1997, it merged with Guizhou Agricultural University and other universities. In August 2004, it merged with Guizhou University of Technology. After more than 120 years of construction and development, it has successively become a national "Project 211" university, a national world-class discipline construction university, and a university jointly built by the Ministry of Education and the People's Government of Guizhou Province; It is one of the first batch of "National Demonstration Universities for Party Building Work", the first "National Civilized Campus", and the pilot unit for the comprehensive reform of the "Three Comprehensive Education" by the Ministry of Education.

The university has 1 national key laboratory, 1 State Key Laboratory jointly built by the province and ministry, 20 scientific research platforms above the ministerial level, and 56 provincial scientific research platforms; 8 postdoctoral research mobile stations; 30 national level teaching platforms, 2 teaching teams, and 2 renowned teachers for national level ideological and political demonstration courses; Two renowned teachers and two teaching teams for the ideological and political demonstration course of the Ministry of Education, and one renowned teacher studio for the ideological and political theory course of the Ministry of Education; 11 provincial-level teaching teams and 44 teaching masters, 14 provincial-level ideological and political demonstration course teaching masters and 14 teaching teams, and 2 provincial-level ideological and political theory course teacher studios; 9 provincial-level humanities and social science research and demonstration bases.

The school closely focuses on the main strategy of "Four New" and "Four Modernizations" and the main positioning of "Four Zones and One Highland", focuses on cultivating and developing distinctive and advantageous disciplines, firmly writes scientific research papers on the land of Guizhou, and strives to contribute to the high-quality development of our province. The innovative team for green pesticide and pest prevention and control has been awarded the title of "National Advanced Collective for Poverty Alleviation", and the Party Committee of the Agricultural College has been awarded the title of "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization"; The achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization have been awarded as typical cases by provincial universities under the Ministry of Education for four consecutive years.

The school adheres to the educational purpose of "promoting education and educating people" and the motto of "cultivating virtue, excellence, and erudition". It closely focuses on the fundamental task of cultivating virtue and cultivating people, accelerates the construction of ministerial and provincial cooperation and "double first-class" high-level universities, provides solid technological support, talent guarantee, and intellectual support for the modernization construction and development of colorful Guizhou, and makes positive contributions to the national scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement.


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