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Innovation Activities


The second National Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition consists of four groups: innovation competition, entrepreneurship competition, overseas (overseas) competition, and unveiling and leading competition. Applicants must scientifically select the participating group and corresponding track based on their personal situation and participating projects. The same project or personnel are not allowed to repeatedly register for the competition in different groups, regions, or units. Projects and team leaders who have won gold, silver, and bronze awards in the first National Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Finals, Innovation Competition, Entrepreneurship Competition, and Overseas (Overseas) Competition groups, are not allowed to register for the same group of competitions again. Projects that have achieved industrialization and registered enterprises in the Innovation Competition, Overseas (Overseas) Competition, and Announcement Leading Competition groups can register for the Entrepreneurship Competition.

The competition is hosted by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Shandong Provincial People's Government, and organized by the Office of the National Postdoctoral Management Committee, the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, the Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Yantai Municipal People's Government. The competition focuses on the theme of "Smart Energy Empowerment, Development, and Leading the Future", and consists of four categories: innovation competition, entrepreneurship competition, overseas (overseas) competition, and unveiling competition. Each category is divided into seven tracks: new generation information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy and new materials, biopharmaceutical and health, modern agriculture and food, marine development and application, and other industries. The competition was launched at the end of April, with competition registration and preliminary recommendation from May to August. In September, the national semi-finals (written evaluation) were held, and in October, the national finals were held. During the finals, a national postdoctoral talent exchange zone, a postdoctoral achievement transformation and docking zone, and a spot docking zone for unveiling and leading questions will be established at the competition site to carry out activities such as national postdoctoral talent exchange and achievement transformation docking.

For details, please refer to

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