CDA Chinese Doctors Association CDA Chinese Doctors Association

Email : Tel : 0755-23224600;15889578697(WeChat ID)



Establishment Workstations

Overseas Talent Workstation of the Chinese Doctors Association (Joint Laboratory)

Establishment Management Measures (Trial)


Article 1: In order to fully develop and utilize overseas talent resources, expand the channels for the introduction of overseas talents and intelligence by the Chinese Doctors Association, increase the efforts to introduce "high, elite, and scarce" overseas talents, deepen international talent exchange and cooperation, and better provide overseas talent and intelligence support for the Chinese industry, it is decided to establish overseas talent workstations in various countries. To ensure the standardized establishment and orderly operation of workstations, these measures are formulated.

Article 2: The "Overseas Talent Workstation of the Chinese Doctors Association" (hereinafter referred to as the "Workstation") referred to in these Measures refers to an overseas talent intelligence service institution established by the Chinese Doctors Association in cooperation with domestic and foreign talent service institutions, expert organizations, higher education institutions, research institutions, overseas student associations, technology incubators, and industrial parks.

The term "overseas talents" referred to in these Measures refers to talents from outside mainland China, including foreign talents, overseas Chinese talents, and talents from Hong Kong and Macao.

Article 3:The cooperation content between overseas workstations and our association is:

1. Promote the development environment, prospects, and talent introduction policies of various industries in China;

2. Release China's talent and project demand information;

3. Recommend "high precision and shortage" talents and cooperation projects according to needs, and assist in introducing overseas talents and projects;

4. Organize expert organizations, overseas student groups, relevant talent institutions or talents from the country or region where the organization is located to carry out project docking and negotiation activities in China;

5. Undertake training programs for Chinese talents abroad;

6. Undertake the coordination, liaison, promotion, and reception of talent recruitment, talent project coordination and negotiation activities carried out by the employing units that I will coordinate with in their respective countries or regions.


Chapter 2 Establishment

Article 5: The workstation shall be established based on the principles of voluntariness, friendly cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win situation, and non political involvement, and shall meet the following conditions:

1Having legal personality (legal registration procedures);

2Having the necessary personnel, venues, and facilities for international talent exchange and cooperation; Having the ability to undertake overseas talent introduction and visit activities;

3Having close relationships with local governments, research institutions, educational institutions, and well-known enterprises, with smooth communication channels, understanding the talent resources of the host country or region, and possessing the ability to discover and evaluate overseas talents; Master a group of high-level overseas talents and project information, and establish a database of overseas talents and project resources.

Article 8: Any unit intending to become an overseas talent workstation of our association shall submit a written application for the establishment of a workstation to our association, including the following written materials:

1Application for Establishing a Station for Overseas Talent Workstations in China;

2Copy of legal person qualification certificate or enterprise business license;

3Other relevant qualifications and business ability supporting materials (such as cases of introducing high-level overseas talents, projects, organizing Sino foreign talent exchange conferences, etc.).

Article 10: After receiving the form, both parties will communicate and negotiate, sign a memorandum of cooperation, clarify the rights and responsibilities of both parties, and publish the list of station setting units to the public in an appropriate form.


Chapter 3 Management

Article 11: The workstation shall assign a specific contact person to be responsible for communication and coordination with our association, and the contact person shall have a certain degree of stability and continuity.

Article 14: Station setting units shall not engage in business beyond the scope of cooperation under the name of workstations.

Article 15: Workstations shall comply with the laws, regulations, and industry guidelines of the host country. If a workstation causes negative impacts and consequences due to illegal activities during the work process, the workstation shall bear the relevant responsibility on its own, and I will not assume any joint liability. If the violation of laws and regulations is severe and causes serious consequences, I will terminate the cooperation between both parties.


Chapter 4 Supplementary Provisions

Article 17: These measures shall come into effect from the date of promulgation.

Article 18: These Measures shall be interpreted by the Chinese Doctors Association.


Application for Establishing a Station for Overseas Talents Workstation of the Chinese Doctors Association

Chinese Doctors Association

Our Unit (name)                             
  Website (if any)

Legal Representative                        ,

Registered Capital                          ,

Existing Employees                          people.
  Our unit hopes to introduce overseas talents and intelligence with the Chinese Doctors Association in China, and strengthen cooperation in the field of Sino foreign talent exchange and cooperation. We hereby apply to establish a China Overseas Talent Workstation in our unit. Please accept this application.
  Contact Person

  Mail Address                             
  Our company's brief introduction (including basic information, field expertise, experts and social resources, talent introduction ability, publicity ability, large-scale event hosting ability, work achievements, etc.) is as follows:


Application unit (official seal)
  Legal representative:

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